Jonny's Blog Mission Statement

To record major events or random thoughts in order to 1) provide my future self with reflection on the past 2) keep my family more in the loop 3) improve my journal writing; being encouraged to use proper grammar, correct spelling, and a creative flow that will be more interresting for my future self or family to read than the journal I am currently keeping electronically. Wow- I wonder how that rates on geekiness!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

W/out a date

What is it with girls lately? I don't know what's happening to me but I can't seem to get a date lol. Seriously the last three, THREE girls I have asked out have all turned me down! It's been a few months since my wedding was called off and I admit I have been approaching this scene very slowly and cautiously but seriously... not feeling too confident that I've still got that thing that makes girls say yes to a date.... whatever I might have had back in the day when they used to say yes lol. The first girl I asked out was a girl I met at church. She was sitting by this guy who I thought might be dating her, but when he got up and left I thought I'd go ask her anyways. She politely said she had just started dating this guy and that she wasn't sure where things would go but that it probably wouldnt' be a good idea to go out. Then after church I saw the same guy she was talking about, asking my friend Amy out on a date.... so either the girl wasn't interrested in me or she was on a different page that the guy she had "started seeing". The second girl I asked out I count as a rejection because she never returned a call or text- so I'm not going to keep calling and calling. The third girl I asked out said yes at first but then we both got sick at around the same time and neither one of us were getting better very quickly. Time elapsed as we kept rescheduling and rescheduling until she finally told me her dating situation wasn't on solid ground and she needed to figure some things out. Maybe a lot of things happened between the time she innitially said yes and the time we were feeling healthy enough to go out. Who knows. So I'm sitting here now thinking of things I might be doing wrong or that I could be doing better and I'm not coming up with anything. Maybe these girls have a sixth sense and are able to discern that although I am asking them out on a date, I really am not interrested in dating. Anyone. My breakup still feels too recent and I am not up for another relationship; I'm really just trying to get out there and date so I can do what I'm supposed to be doing and head in the direction of personal progression. Wish me luck!

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