Jonny's Blog Mission Statement

To record major events or random thoughts in order to 1) provide my future self with reflection on the past 2) keep my family more in the loop 3) improve my journal writing; being encouraged to use proper grammar, correct spelling, and a creative flow that will be more interresting for my future self or family to read than the journal I am currently keeping electronically. Wow- I wonder how that rates on geekiness!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

First Trials Bike Competition

Last Saturday I competed in my first trials bike competition and decided that it is my new favorite sport. I rode with the sportsman class and took second place out of four people, which might not be saying all that much but at the same time... I was pretty proud of myself becuase I was a first time rider. I really didnt' think my bike would make it to the competition but it did, and it performed very well. I got off to a rough start, getting 5's on my first three tracks. A score of 5 indicates that you either crashed, stalled, or went out of bounds. On my second time around the loop I cut my overall score in half (because points are bad), and I "cleaned" many of the sections meaning that I did not put my foot down once to balance myself and I rode through the technical coarse without any other mistakes either. It felt so good to clean a section and really gave put me on an emotional high- not emotional as in emotional- emotional as in happy. So anyways, somehow I got a flat tire so I will need to buy another and have it installed by a professional because I don't know if I would be able to get it on myself. Probably not a chance in the world actually. I took the bike out of the garage yesterday after pumping the tire up a bit and went riding behind my neighborhood and a piece of old rusty chain-link fence came up and got caught all up in my spokes and wrapped aruond my front axel. It took a lot of work to get it all out of there, and as far as I know, nothing was broken too badly. I'm just not having a whole lot of luck with this thing so far, but it'll get better I'm sure. My next project will be bleeding the fork; which I need to jump onto youtube and find out exactly how that's done before I tackle it.

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