Jonny's Blog Mission Statement

To record major events or random thoughts in order to 1) provide my future self with reflection on the past 2) keep my family more in the loop 3) improve my journal writing; being encouraged to use proper grammar, correct spelling, and a creative flow that will be more interresting for my future self or family to read than the journal I am currently keeping electronically. Wow- I wonder how that rates on geekiness!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Starting a blog:

As I have kept tabs on some of my married friends I have warmed up a bit to the idea of blogs in general. I have decided that this will serve as my journal- which I've become accustomed to keep in a word document, but unaccustomed to keep updated. Hopefully writing in a blog will encourage me to do a better job; to write more creatively, concisely, and consistently that will be more enjoyable for my future kids or grandkids to read, supposing that I ever have any lol. I am writing primarily for myself- so I accept this as my blog opener and guess I will give it a shot from here on out.

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